Authentically You, With No Apologies!
Do you ever feel as though history is frustratingly repeating itself, with the dreaded ghosts of the past relentlessly attempting to sabotage your present? Has your confidence been shaken, leaving you struggling to find the courage to hold up the mirror and face vulnerability head-on? Rest assured, you’re not alone!Life is inevitably filled with challenges, both at home and at work. Unfortunately, it’s often our own personal shame or fear of being judged by others that can take control and hinder how we present ourselves to the world.In this book, Charmaine Vincent, a passionate, award-winning female entrepreneur, provides an honest and candid insight into her life experiences. She openly discusses the highs and lows, the shadow and the light, and how self-investment and self-belief can profoundly shape your future and help you achieve remarkable things.Discover an empowering 5-step framework that will gift you the confidence and courage to remove the mask and be authentically you, unapologetically.
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How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
The book starts with a detailed description of the optimal way to lose weight and information on how to keep it off. However, you are strongly advised to read the subsequent chapters as referenced in Chapter 1. The author has noted that his patients find it both helpful and liberating to have an understanding of the regulation of body weight, of the causes of obesity, the health problems that obesity causes and the biological mechanisms that make it difficult to maintain weight loss.
All of the information provided in this book is backed by published scientific evidence. References are provided at the end of the book that can be freely accessed through searchable medical databases such as PubMed or Google Scholar. For the lay reader, much of what is written in scientific articles may be overly technical, however many can be helped in the interpretation and meaning of the information by their family doctor who will play a key role in their weight loss journey.
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My Therapy Journal
Are you on a journey of wellbeing and would like to be more organized? Have you ever seen your therapist, doctor or wellbeing provider and forgot completely what was said? Did you forget what the suggested plan was? If so, do not worry, help is at hand. Forgetting what was discussed is a common experience shared by many and is often from stress, anxiety, lack of sleep or reduced memory retention. My Therapy Journal is especially designed for anyone who is on a journey of healing. It is a cleverly designed, practical and mindful tool that can be used to keep a log of therapy sessions, whether they are medical, psychological or holistic. They can also be used in conjunction with other activities such as yoga classes, mindfulness trainings, health retreats and online wellbeing webinars and courses. My Therapy Journal has an easy-to-follow format and can be filled in during your session with your practitioner, or after your session in your own time. It is designed as a memory aid and facilitates wellbeing and mindfulness through areas for reflection, planning, wellbeing activities and gratitude. My Therapy Journal also has a selection of beautiful hand-drawn illustrations for mindful coloring and a Doodle Corner for free-hand drawings.
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Politics, Bullies and You
We are all born unique, our own energy making up a part of our shared universe; through education, society and the status quo, we soon become normal. We are all part of a system, one that, at times, does not work to our advantage. It’s time to open all our minds, go to sleep and listen to our dreams, learning through the night. Politics, bullies, wars, guns, famine and popups, the world needs none of that, but it does need you.
This is a story about my life, my eight-year journey through a broken system, a citizen to a government who ignored me. I stopped playing and started working, only to find myself abused by my superiors. I developed epilepsy, which led to either a mental breakdown or a spiritual awakening. Life’s like a movie, write your own ending, keep believing and keep pretending, that’s what I’ve always set out to do.
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Two Mice
“How many times have you asked yourself if you are on the right path in life and wondered if your direction will lead you to happiness? Are you the lively mouse, so focused on your goals that you sometimes feel as if you never stop to live? Or the thoughtful mouse, so busy listening to others that you feel like you are losing yourself? Two Mice is a short, metaphorical story about finding your way in a complicated world. It aims to help you gain some perspective about your choices and to see the bigger picture in life.”
Sam Boundy.
Lose (and find!) yourself in this lively, metaphorical story which follows two mice looking for the big cheese.
Through different characters and insights into what drives them in life, this story will help show you that meaning is all around us and goals do not need to be chased for goals’ sake. Whether you are a fresh graduate, a job changer or someone looking for an entertaining read, this book is for you.
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What Does It Mean To Be Human?
In the absence of divine direction, how do we decide for ourselves the behaviours that would best serve our own interests, and those of other creatures, and of the planet as a whole? What might we turn to and draw upon to help us in making our own rules and in establishing our own moral principles?
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Won't Stop Moving
Sometimes the answer isn’t to be the rock in the river, letting the water wash over you. Sometimes the answer is to be the leaf, floating down the stream and rolling with the constant change that is life.
Won’t Stop Moving is designed to help you remember the lessons that you have forgotten to remember. This book gives you the opportunity to remind yourself of what you already know, deep in your soul. You can’t stop moving, and you won’t stop moving, growing and evolving.
This is an oracle book. It works like oracle cards, but rather than shuffling, turn to the page number you’re called to, and receive a message that you are ready to learn or remember.
Or read the book sequentially. Or front to back, back to front, inside out or outside in. Read it upside down if you want, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You choose. You will be called to the lessons you need. Trust the process. Trust your instincts.
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50 Letters from Spirit
50 Letters. 50,000 Daily Thoughts. One Call to Awaken.In 2013, Patricia McDowall started an unusual journey. She became more deeply aware that she was a living spirit in a physical body with a conscious mind, working her way through life to evolve her soul. This sensitivity to a more developed divine existence was taught by her initial spirit guide. But to her surprise, this guide took a physical step back from Patricia’s life. A new guide, Marsilio, marched forward and told the author that they would write a book together. Their joined wisdom would use Patricia’s hand and Marsilio’s thoughts from his time in Renaissance, Italy. Through this rare and previously unexplored path, 50 Letters, A Call to Awaken was created.It is a holistic guide that addresses both the external and internal, and it speaks to mind, body and soul. McDowall offers messages to the world, to humanity, to you – the reader – with love.
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Planning a Sensible Divorce
Divorce doesn’t have to be a messy and tragic process, especially when there are children involved. In fact, research shows that about 20% of divorces are amicable. Couples with minor children who have good communication skills and a focus on long-term outcomes for their children can work together effectively to resolve differences and make the transition as smooth as possible. Written by a psychologist and a divorce lawyer with nearly 100 years of experience working with divorcing spouses and families, this research-based book provides a roadmap for having a sensible divorce that focuses on the long-term goals of both parties. Don’t let the emotions of the separation get in the way of making the best decisions for your future. Use the knowledge and skills in this book to guide you through the process.
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This book challenges you to question yourself: are you the Chief Negativity Officer of your own life, and your own mojo assassin?
It also challenges you to take responsibility for yourself, to break yourself out of stale routines, and to finally be in charge of your own destiny. Mostly importantly, it demands that you never quit on yourself until you blossom into all your crowning splendour and glory.
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Pathways to Paradise
All is well when intelligence is used intelligently. Salvation is the ability which we all possess to come to terms with spiritual reality. To fully comprehend life and our obligations to it, we should seek to understand what obligations we owe to God and humanity. We should seek guidance from our immortal soul, which is of God and from God. The mind of mankind has, to an overwhelming degree, become conditioned to acquisition of material wealth. The inescapable fact is, there is no tow bar on a hearse.
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The Mastery of Life
This book analyses and provides insights into eight key parts of a meaningful life, which when mastered, will make big difference in your life. Due to the complexity of our biological make up, it’s almost impossible to cover all relevant topics without losing focus on what’s important. The aim is to give you a starting point so that you can ask yourself questions about who you really are and what you need to do to be the best you can be. Normally, that is only possible by understanding basic holistic principles of your being, such as interaction of your mind, body and consciousness for the creation of the perfection that you are. The main reason is that everything comes from within and everything you will ever need resides right within you and nowhere else. This means that if you want something, look no further than yourself. Because whatever you desire, you already have it within you and when you become consciously aware of it, the universe has no other choice but to abide by your desire.
This book provides you with the starting point of your journey into self-awareness. Here is the brief summary of the topics covered: understanding your thoughts and dreams; the complex relationship of your thoughts and emotions; causes of stress; living in now; the power of self-belief; effective communication; relationships and understanding your body.
Naturally, it will take many books and volumes to truly depict principles behind the mastery of life, but every journey starts with one small step and maybe this book represents that step; the step that will ultimately lead you to master your own life.